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Share your Message

Siretona Scribes

You want to build your business or leave a legacy, 

and you want to do it in a book,

but how?

We can help.

From coaching to ghostwriting and everything in between,

we will get your book written, produced, and launched into the world.

Siretona Scribes provides high level services to assist clients in writing non-fiction business books and memoirs. Coaching, co-writing, ghostwriting, and marketing lead to excellent books with powerful impact and wide reach.

Book Signing

Initial Consult

During our initial consultation, 

we will discuss your goals and dreams for the project.

Your goals and dreams will drive your decisions

and will set the direction for your publishing journey.

Fill out our Discovery Form,

then book a call.


Perhaps you'd like to write your book yourself,

but you aren't sure where to start.


We offer two solutions:

1. Match you with a personal coach to guide you through getting organized and writing your manuscript.

2. Welcome you into our Nestbuilder program for group coaching, mastermind sessions, and a variety of other writing and publishing resources.

Filling out our Discovery Form will clarify your needs.

After you submit it, you'll be invited to book a consult.

Library Tutor
Two Journalists

Co-writing & Ghostwriting

Perhaps you know what you want to say,

and you want to be actively involved in the writing,

but you don't have time to stop and craft it into a book.

We can match you with a co-writer.

Or, perhaps you want someone else to do the writing for you. We can match you with a ghostwriter, who will conduct interviews with you and your people, and research any resources you recommend, then masterfully weave it all into a book that you can confidently leverage to spread your message.

Everything starts with our Discovery Form.

After you complete it, you'll receive a link

to book a consult call.


You want your book to make the best possible impact.

We can guide you in promoting your book,

provide specific marketing services,

or refer you to one of our partners.

We like to begin with the end in mind,

and since you have a message before you have a book,

we start with clarifying your goals.

Your goals will drive your decisions and positioning.

All along the way, we'll pay attention to your visibility

and help you develop your ecosystem around your book, or ensure that it supports your existing endeavours.

New Books
Reader Portrait


The voice is yours.

The message is yours.

The book and the copyright are yours.

No one can take those away from you.

You own it all, but who will manage the details

like distribution, sales fulfillment, and royalties?

We help you discern the right publishing model for you. This doesn't have to be decided in advance. 

White Label Publishing:

you release the book under your own name or your company name and we provide the services,


Partner Publishing:

we do the bulk of the work and you release the book under the Siretona Scribes imprint.

You'll start to explore some of these questions in our Discovery Form and initial consultation.

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