Dog Who Wanted to Play, The
Inspiration for the book
The Dog Who Wanted to Play was inspired by the 19th century poem “The Hound of Heaven” by Francis Thompson.
Like Aslan in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, Dog, the good shepherd, cares even for those who run away from him.
What People Are Saying
"If you have a child in your life, order this book for Christmas! It's a beautiful, heart-warming tale that is destined to become a favourite bedtime story!" Lisa LeBlanc, author
"She loved it." Brandi (mom)
"I love that the dog helped protect Tommy from the people and the coyote in the dark. And how cute it was when they snuggled up together.🐶 I also like that the dog was called Dog." Iyla (9)
"We all loved the illustrations. They are beautiful!" Karma (mom), Kalliste (9) & Corin (9)
"My 6 year old liked the part about the part where the dog scares away the bad guys and the coyote. My 8 year old liked the part where the dog kept Tommy warm when he got lost." Viki (mom)
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