Nestbuilder Author Coaching + Book Marketing Intensive
Give your book its best start in 2025!
Designed for authors at any stage of the publishing process:
✅ planning
✅ polishing
✅ producing
✅ promoting.
Nestbuilder Author Coaching Program
📝 take action on your publishing and promotion goals
📝 collaborate with other authors
📝 gain valuable insights into how you work -- what energizes you, what drains you
📝 receive personal guidance from Colleen McCubbin (publisher) and Charity Mongrain (author coach) in weekly meetings
📝 get founder pricing @ $1000/year (prefer monthly? click here)
BONUS: Book Marketing Planning Intensive (value $250)
Take the mystery and intimidation out of marketing.
Take action on promoting your message and your book.
This four-hour intensive is for authors -- at any stage of the publishing process -- who want to know what to say about their books, and where and how to say it to get visibility and sales.
🎦 Replays from the 4-hour workshop. Watch on your own time in The Book Hatchery.
✨️ 2025 Book Marketing Planner
✨️ Define and refine your message
✨️ Determine best places to share your message
✨️ Develop a posting/emailing schedule (bring a calendar)
✨️ Outline and draft several pieces of content with done-for-you templates
✨️ Get feedback on your ideas and answers to your questions
✨️ Publish regular posts
✨️ All this and more with Colleen McCubbin (publisher) and Molly Layton-Simpson (marketing assistant), along with a group of other committed authors
💫 PLUS, get private follow-up evaluations on three of your posts or emails before the end of January
💫 PLUS Monday night Q&A for the month of January (6:00 - 7:30 pm MST - Alberta time).
Just want the intensive?