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Why is a Book like a Christmas Pudding?

Molly L.

My newsletter last week told a story about Christmas Pudding. I thought this would be a silly, charming story. It was! In fact, Colleen has asked me to say more. She pointed out books are a lot like Christmas Pudding.

While the two ideas might not seem similar at first, there are some similarities you will love.

Books and Christmas puddings are made up of small components. Books are a collection of ideas, individuals, and themes. Christmas puddings are a collection of dried sweets, nuts, zested peels, flour, butter, and eggs. Those small components contribute flavours to the final product.

Books and Christmas puddings need multiple hands to be finished. Every good book has been in the hands of editors, proofreaders, cover designers and layout artists. Every good pudding also passes through multiple hands, from the people who make the ingredients to the family making the pudding. My family does the “Christmas Wish,” where every family member stirs a wish into the pudding.

Books and Christmas puddings take time to develop. Books can take a year of work to go from manuscript to finished product. Of course, some take longer, and some take less time. You can learn more about that here. Christmas puddings need weeks to set. Many families make their puddings on Stir Up Sunday. The extra time allows the flavours to mix and meld.

A book and a Christmas pudding aren’t for everyone. No matter how much love and effort you put into your book, there are people who will not like it. Similarly, some people despise the flavour or texture of Christmas pudding.

The last similarity is that a book and Christmas pudding can have big impacts. Books can inspire and motivate their readers. Christmas puddings light a more literal fire – the image above is from my family’s Christmas dinner.

If you have bits and pieces, but no idea how to put them together, we can help you. Our discovery process can help you define your message and create your book. A discovery call with our experts is free. Reach out to us today.


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